・Ye Xu, and Takashi Nishide, Verifiable Homomorphic Secret Sharing for SIMD Operations, International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW), 2024 (to appear). |
・Genki Osada, Makoto Shing, and Takashi Nishide, Local Curvature Smoothing with Stein’s Identity for Efficient Score Matching, NeurIPS, 2024 (to appear). |
・Shintaro Narisada, Hiroki Okada, Kazuhide Fukushima, and Takashi Nishide, Time-Memory Trade-off Algorithms for Homomorphically Evaluating Look-up Table in TFHE, Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic Cryptography (WAHC), ACM, 2024 (to appear). |
・Akira Nakashima, Takuya Hayashi, Hikaru Tsuchida, Yukimasa Sugizaki, Kengo Mori and Takashi Nishide, Faster Homomorphic Evaluation of Arbitrary Bivariate Integer Functions via Homomorphic Linear Transformation, Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic Cryptography (WAHC), ACM, 2024 (to appear). |
・Hikaru Tsuchida, and Takashi Nishide, Secure Five-party Computation with Private Robustness and Minimal Online Communication, ProvSec, Springer-Verlag, 2024 (to appear). |
・Genki Osada, Tsubasa Takahashi, and Takashi Nishide, Understanding Likelihood of Normalizing Flow and Image Complexity through the Lens of Out-of-Distribution Detection, Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Special Track on Safe, Robust and Responsible AI, pp.21492–21500, 2024. |
・Shintaro Narisada, Hiroki Okada, Kazuhide Fukushima, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, and Takashi Nishide, GPU Acceleration of High-Precision Homomorphic Computation Utilizing Redundant Representation, Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic Cryptography (WAHC), pp.1–9, ACM, 2023. |
・Genki Osada, Tsubasa Takahashi, Budrul Ahsan, and Takashi Nishide, Out-of-Distribution Detection with Reconstruction Error and Typicality-based Penalty, IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp.5540–5552, IEEE, 2023. |
・Daisuke Maeda, Koki Morimura, and Takashi Nishide, Efficient Homomorphic Evaluation of Arbitrary Bivariate Integer Functions, Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic Cryptography (WAHC), pp.13–22, ACM, 2022. |
・Zhongqi Wang, Keita Fuse, and Takashi Nishide, Square Table Lookup Multiparty Computation Protocol, International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW, WICS), pp.392–395, IEEE, 2022. |
・Koki Morimura, Daisuke Maeda, and Takashi Nishide, Improved Integer-wise Homomorphic Comparison and Division based on Polynomial Evaluation, International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), No. 33, pp.1–10, ACM, 2022. |
・Seiya Nuta, Jacob C.N. Schuldt, and Takashi Nishide, Forward-Secure Public Key Encryption without Key Update from Proof-of-Stake Blockchain, Indocrypt, LNCS 13143, pp.436–461, Springer-Verlag, 2021. |
・Hikaru Tsuchida, and Takashi Nishide, Private Decision Tree Evaluation with Constant Rounds via (Only) Fair SS-4PC, ACISP, LNCS 13083, pp.309–329, Springer-Verlag, 2021. |
・Takashi Nishide, One-Time Delegation of Unlinkable Signing Rights and Its Application, ProvSec, LNCS 12505, pp.103–123, Springer-Verlag, 2020. |
・Hikaru Tsuchida, Takashi Nishide, and Yusaku Maeda, Private Decision Tree Evaluation with Constant Rounds via (Only) SS-3PC over Ring, ProvSec, LNCS 12505, pp.298–317, Springer-Verlag, 2020. |
・Genki Osada, Budrul Ahsan, Revoti Prasad Bora, Takashi Nishide, Regularization with Latent Space Virtual Adversarial Training, ECCV, LNCS 12346, pp.565–581, Springer-Verlag, 2020. |
・Hikaru Tsuchida, and Takashi Nishide, Client-Aided Bit-Composition Protocol with Guaranteed Output Delivery, International Symposium on Information Theory and its Application (ISITA), pp.387–391, IEEE, 2020. |
・Naoya Okanami, Ryuya Nakamura, and Takashi Nishide, Load Balancing in Sharded Blockchains, Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts (in Financial Cryptography), LNCS 12063, pp.512–524, Springer-Verlag, 2020. |
・Noboru Kunihiro, Wen-jie Lu, Takashi Nishide, and Jun Sakuma, Outsourced Private Function Evaluation with Privacy Policy Enforcement, IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), pp.412–423, 2018. |
・Nobuaki Kitajima, Naoto Yanai, and Takashi Nishide, Identity-Based Key-Insulated Aggregate Signatures, Revisited, Inscrypt, LNCS 10726, pp.141–156, Springer-Verlag, 2017. |
・Genki Osada, Kazumasa Omote, and Takashi Nishide, Network Intrusion Detection based on Semi-Supervised Variational Auto-Encoder, ESORICS, LNCS 10493, pp.344–361, Springer-Verlag, 2017. |
・Kouichi Sakurai, Takashi Nishide, and Syalim Amril, Improved proxy re-encryption scheme for symmetric key cryptography, International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS), pp.105–111, IEEE, 2017. |
・Takuya Kitamura, Kazumasa Shinagawa, Takashi Nishide and Eiji Okamoto, One-time Programs with Cloud Storage and Its Application to Electronic Money, ASIA Public-Key Cryptography Workshop (APKC), pp.25–30, ACM, 2017. |
・Hikaru Tsuchida, Takashi Nishide, Eiji Okamoto, and Kwangjo Kim, Revocable Decentralized Multi-Authority Functional Encryption, Indocrypt, LNCS 10095, pp.248–265, Springer-Verlag, 2016. |
・Kazumasa Shinagawa, Koji Nuida, Takashi Nishide, Goichiro Hanaoka, and Eiji Okamoto, Size-Hiding Computation for Multiple Parties, Asiacrypt, LNCS 10032, pp.248–265, Springer-Verlag, 2016. |
・Fangming Zhao and Takashi Nishide, Searchable Symmetric Encryption Supporting Queries with Multiple-Character Wildcards, International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS), LNCS 9955, pp.266–282, Springer-Verlag, 2016. |
・Kazumasa Shinagawa, Koji Nuida, Takashi Nishide, Goichiro Hanaoka, and Eiji Okamoto, Committed AND Protocol Using Three Cards with More Handy Shuffle, International Symposium on Information Theory and its Application (ISITA), pp.700–702, IEEE, 2016. |
・Naoto Yanai, Masahiro Mambo, Kazuma Tanaka, Takashi Nishide, and Eiji Okamoto, Another Look at Aggregate Signatures: Their Capability and Security on Network Graphs, 7th International Conference on Trustworthy Systems (Intrust), LNCS 9565, pp.32–48, Springer-Verlag, 2016. |
・Kazumasa Shinagawa, Takaaki Mizuki, Jacob Schuldt, Koji Nuida, Naoki Kanayama, Takashi Nishide, Goichiro Hanaoka, and Eiji Okamoto, Multi-Party Computation with Small Shuffle Complexity Using Regular Polygon Cards, 9th International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec), LNCS 9451, pp.127–146, Springer-Veralag, 2015. |
・Yusuke Kanbara, Tadanori Teruya, Naoki Kanayama, Takashi Nischide, Eiji Okamoto, Software Implementation of a Pairing Function for Public Key Cryptosystems, accepted in the International Conference on IT Convergence and Security 2015(ICITCS2015). |
・K. Shinagawa, T. Mizuki, J. Schuldt, K. Nuida, N. Kanayama, T. Nishide, G. Hanaoka, and E. Okamoto, Multi-Party Computation with Small Shuffle Complexity Using Regular Polygon Cards, accepted in the 9th International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec 2015) (to appear). |
・K. Shinagawa, T. Mizuki, J. Schuldt, K. Nuida, N. Kanayama, T. Nishide, G. Hanaoka, and E. Okamoto, Multi-Party Computation Using Polarizing Cards, accepted in the 10th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2015) (to appear). |
・Y. Kobayashi, N. Yanai, K. Yoneyama, T. Nishide, G. Hanaoka, K. Kim, and E. Okamoto, Gateway Threshold Password-based Authenticated Key Exchange Secure against Undetectable On-line Dictionary Attack, 12th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2015), pp.39-52, 2015. |
・N. Kitajima, N. Yanai, T. Nishide, G. Hanaoka, and E. Okamoto, Constructions of Fail-Stop Signatures for Multi-signer Setting, 10th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), IEEE CPS, 2015 (to appear). |
・S. Nakagawa, K. Emura, G. Hanaoka, A. Kodate, T. Nishide, E. Okamoto and Y. Sakai, A Privacy-Enhanced Access Log Management Mechanism in SSO Systems from Nominative Signatures, TrustCom 2014, 2014. |
・N. Goto, A. Kanaoka, M. Okada and E. Okamoto, METRO: Measurement Of End-to-End Route Trust, Proc. 9th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS2014), pp.31-38, 2014. |
・M. Okada, N. Goto, A. Kanaoka and E. Okamoto, A Device for Transparent Probabilistic Packet Marking, Proc. the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Network Technologies for Security, Administration and Protection (NETSAP2013), pp.242-247, 2013. |
・T. Yamakawa, N. Kitajima, T. Nishide, G. Hanaoka, and E. Okamoto, A Short Fail-Stop Signature Scheme from Factoring, Provable Security (ProvSec), LNCS 8782, pp.309—316, Springer-Veralag, 2014. |
・ W. Ogata, K. Koiwa, A. Kanaoka, and S. Matsuo, Toward Practical Searchable Symmetric Encryption, accepted in the 8th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2013), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8231, pp. 151-167, Springer, 2013. |
・ N. Yanai, Multiple-Signability: A Study on Multisignatures and Aggregate Signatures, the 8th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2013), SCIS/CSS Invited Session, 2013. |
・ N. Yanai, M. Mambo, and E. Okamoto, Ordered Multisignature Schemes under the CDH Assumption without Random Oracles, the 16th Information Security Conference (ISC 2013), 2013. |
・ Y. Niwa, A. Kanaoka, and E. Okamoto, Construction of a Multi-Domain Functional Encryption System on Functional Information Infrastructure, accepted in the 16th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS 2013), 2013. |
・ I. Higurashi, A. Kanaoka, M. Kato, and E. Okamoto, Discovery of Unexpected Services and Communication Paths in Networked Systems (short paper), 5th Symposium on Configuration Analytics and Automation (SafeConfig 2012), 2012. |
・ M. Kato, T. Matsunami, A. Kanaoka, H. Koide, and E. Okamoto, Tracing Attacks on Advanced Persistent Threat in Networked Systems (short paper), 5th Symposium on Configuration Analytics and Automation (SafeConfig 2012), 2012. |
・ Nuray. At, J.-L. Beuchat, and I. San, Compact Implementation of Threefish and Skein on FPGA. In Proceedings of the 5th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, IEEE Press, 2012. |
・ D. F. Aranha, J.-L. Beuchat, J. Detrey, and N. Estibals, Optimal Eta Pairing on Supersingular Genus-2 Binary Hyperelliptic Curves. In O. Dunkelman, editor, Topics in Cryptology – CT-RSA 2012, number 7178 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 98-115. Springer, 2012. |
・ A. Kanaoka, T. Houri, E. Okamoto, Achieving Identity-based Encryption Enabled SSL/TLS and Its Implementation on the OpenSSL and Apache HTTP Server, In Proceedings of the 6th Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS 2011), 2011. |
・ M. Okada, A. Kanaoka, Y. Katsuno, E. Okamoto, 32-bit AS Number Based IP Traceback, the Fifth International Workshop on Advances in Information Security (WAIS-2011), 2011. |
・ N. Yanai, R. Tso, M. Mambo, and E. Okamoto, Certificateless Ordered Sequential Sequential Aggregate Signature Scheme, accepted in Third International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2011), pp. 662-667, IEEE Press, 2011. |
・ N. Ogura, N. Kanayama, S. Uchiyama and E. Okamoto, Cryptographic Pairings Based on Elliptic Nets, accepted in the 6th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7038, pp. 65-78, Springer, 2011. |
・ A. Moreno and E. Okamoto, BlueSnarf revisited: OBEX FTP service directory traversal, In V. Casares-Giner et al., NETWORKING 2011 Workshops, number 6827 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 155-166. Springer, 2011. |
・ M. Okada, A. Kanaoka, Y. Katsuno, E. Okamoto, 32-bit AS Number Based IP Traceback, the Fifth International Workshop on Advances in InformationSecurity (WAIS-2011), 2011. |
・ J.-L. Beuchat, E. Okamoto, and T. Yamazaki, Compact Implementations of BLAKE-32 and BLAKE-64 on FPGA, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology – FPT 2010, pages 170-177. IEEE Press, 2010. |
・ J.-L. Beuchat, J. E. G. Diaz, S. Mitsunari, E. Okamoto, F. Rodriguez-Henriquez, and T. Teruya, High-Speed Software Implementation of the Optimal Ate Pairing over Barreto-Naehrig Curves, Pairing-Based Cryptography – Pairing 2010, number 6487 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 21-39. Springer, 2010. |
・ N. YANAI, E. CHIDA, and M. MAMBO, A Structured Aggregate Signature Scheme, International Symposium on Information Theory and its Application (ISITA) 2010, pp.795-800, IEEE Press, October 2010. |
・ A. Kanaoka, T. Houri, E. Okamoto, RFC Supported Implementation of Key Generation Center for Identity-based Encryption, The 5th Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS 2010), 2010. |
・ T. Harada, A. Kanaoka, E. Okamoto, M. Kato, Identifying Potentially-Impacted Area using CVSS for Networked Systems, The First Workshop on Convergence Security and Privacy (CSnP 2010), 2010. |
・ S. Kramer, R. Goré, E. Okamoto, Formal Definitions and Complexity Results for Trust Relations and Trust Domains. In Proceedings of the ESSLLI-affiliated Workshop on Logics in Security, 2010. |
・ S. Kramer, A. Rybalchenko, A Multi-Modal Framework for Achieving Accountability in Multi-Agent Systems. In Proceedings of the ESSLLI-affiliated Workshop on Logics in Security, 2010. |
・ S. Kramer, An Intuitionstic Foundation for Interactive Computation. In Proceedings of Computability in Europe: Programs, Proofs, Processes, 2010. |
・ J.-L. Beuchat, E. Lopez-Trejo, L. Martinez-Ramos, S. Mitsunari, and F. Rodriguez-Henriquez, Multi-core Implementation of the Tate Pairing over Supersingular Elliptic Curves, Cryptology and Network Security – CANS 2009, number 5888 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 413-432. Springer, 2009. |
・ J.-L. Beuchat, J. Detrey, N. Estibals, E. Okamoto, and F. Rodriguez-Henriquez, Hardware Accelerator for the Tate Pairing in Characteristic Three Based on Karatsuba-Ofman Multipliers, Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems – CHES 2009, number 5747 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 225-239. Springer, 2009. |
・ N. YANAI, E. CHIDA, and M. MAMBO, A Structured Multisignature Based on a Non-Commutative Ring Homomorphism, Joint Workshop on Information Security (JWIS) 2009, 1B-3, pp.1-15, August 2009. |
・ A. Kanaoka, M. Katoh, N. Toudou, E. Okamoto, Extraction of Parameters from Well Managed Networked System in Access Control, Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP 2009), pp. 56-61, 2009. |
・ A. Romanov and E. Okamoto, A Framework for Building and Managing Secured ERP Landscape. World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing / International Conference on Security an d Management 2009 (SAM09), July, 2009. |
・ A. Romanov and E. Okamoto, An Approach for designing of enterprise IT landscapes to perform quantitative information security risk assessment. ICETE/SECRYPT2009, July, 2009. |
・ Aa Romanov and E. Okamoto, A quantative approach to access information security related risks. 4th International Conference on risks and security of internet and systems (CRISIS2009), IEEE, Oct., 2009. |
・ J.-. Beuchat, J. Detrey, N. Estibals, E. Okamoto, and F. Rodriguez-Henriquez, Hardware accelerator for the Tate pairing in characteristic three based on Karatsuba-Ofman multipliers.In C. Clavier and K. Gaj, editors, Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems – CHES 2009, number 5747 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 225-239. Springer, September 2009. |
・ Y. Katsuno, Y. Watanabe, M. Kudo, and E. Okamoto, A pluggable domain management approach for building practical distributed coalitions. In In Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2009), March 2009. |
・ J.-L. Beuchat, N. Brisebarre, J. Detrey, E. Okamoto, and F. Rodriguez-Henriquez. A comparison between hardware accelerators for the modified tate pairing over F2^m and F3^m. In S.D. Galbraith and K.G. Paterson, editors, Pairing 2008, number 5209 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 297-315. Springer, 2008. |
・ A. Koide, R. Tso, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, A restricted undeniable designated verifier signature. In IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, pages 1375-1380, 2008. |
・ A. Koide, R. Tso, and E. Okamoto, A sanitizing signature scheme with indexing. In IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, volume 2, pages 16-21, 2008. |
・ A. Koide, R. Tso, and E. Okamoto, Convertible undeniable partially blind signature from bilinear pairings. In IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, volume 2, pages 77-82, 2008. |
・ C. Sato, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, Sender authenticated key agreements without random oracles. In International Conference on Covergene Information Technology. IEEE CS, 2007. |
・ F. Kanazawa, N. Ohkawa, H. Doi, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, Broadcast encryption with sender authentication and its duality. In International Conference on Covergene Information, Technology. IEEE CS, 2007. |
・ R. Tso, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, Ecdsa-verifiable signcryption scheme with signature verification on the signcrypted message. In SKLOIS Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2007. |
・ R. Tso, X. Yi, and E. Okamoto, Id-based key agreement for dynamic peer groups in mobile computing environments. In APSCC2007, 2007. |
・ S. Matsuda, N. Kanayama, F. Hess, and E. Okamoto, Optimised versions of the ate and twisted ate pairings. In IMA2007, 2007. |
・ R. Tso, J. G. Nieto, T. Okamoto, C. Boyd, and E. Okamoto, Verifier-key-flexible universal designated-verifier signatures. In IMA2007, 2007. |
・ R. Tso, C. Gu, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, An efficient id-based digital signatures with message recovery. In CANS2007, 2007. |
・ I. Piseth, A. Inomata, Y. Oyama, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, Implementation of id-based signature in rfid system. In APCC2007, Bangkok, Thailand, October 18-20th 2007. IEEE. |
・ M. Shirase, T. Takagi, and E. Okamoto, Universal ηt pairing algorithm over arbitrary extension degree. In The 8th International Workshop on Information Security Applications, WISA2007, LNCS. Springer-Verlag, 2007. |
・ J.-L. Beuchat, N. Brisebarre, J. Detrey, and E. Okamoto, Arithmetic operators for pairing-based cryptography. In CHES2007, pages 239-255. Springer-Verlag, 2007. |
・ J.-L. Beuchat, N. Brisebarre, M. Shirase, T. Takagi, and E.iji Okamoto, A coprocessor for the final exponentiation of the ηt pairing in characteristic three. In International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields (WAIFI2007), 2007. |
・ J.-L. Beuchat, M. Shirase, T. Takagi, and E. Okamoto, An algorithm for the ηt pairing calculation in characteristic three and its hardware implementation. In 18th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (Arith 18), pages 97-104, Montpellier, France, June 2007. |
・ R. Tso, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, An improved signcryption scheme and its variation. In ITNG 2007, pages 772-778. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007. |
・ J.-L. Beuchat, T. Miyoshi, Y. Oyama, and E. Okamoto, Multiplication over f_p^m on fpga: A survery. In ARC 2007, number 4419 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 214-225. Springer, 2007. |
・ Y. Kawahara, T. Takagi, and E. Okamoto, Efficient implementation of tate pairing on a mobile phone using java. In CIS2006, 2006. |
・ S. M. M. Rahman, A. Inomata, T. Okamoto, M. Mambo, and E. Okamoto, Anonymous secure communication in wireless mobile ad- hoc networks. In ICUCT2006, 2006. |
・ B. Santoso, N. Kunihiro, N. Kanayama, and K. Ohta, Factorization of square-free integers with high bits known. In 2006, editor, Vietcrypt2006, volume 4341 of LNCS, pages 115-130. |
・ S. M. M. Rahman, A. Inomata, M. Mambo, and E. Okamoto, An anonymous on-demand position-based routing in mobile ad hoc networks. In SAINT 2006, 2006. |
・ L. Wang, E. Okamoto, Y. Miao, T. Okamoto, and H. Doi, Id-based series-parallel multisignature schemes for multi-messages from bilinear maps. In Proc. of International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC2005), number 3969 in LNCS, pages 291-303, 2006. |
・ L. Wang, T.Okamoto, T.Takagi, and E.Okamoto, Insider impersonation-mim attack to tripartite key agreement scheme and an efficient protocol for multiple keys. In CIS2005, 2005. |
・ R. Tso, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, Practical strong esignated verifier signature schemes based on double discrete logarithms. In CISC2005, 2005. |
・ R.Tso, T.Okamoto, T.Takagi, and E.Okamoto, An id-based non interactive tripartite key agreement protocol with k-resilience. In IASTED International Conference Communications and Computer Networks (CCN 2005), pages 38-42. IASTED, 2005. |
・ K. Peng, E. P. Dawson, J. G. Nieto, E. Okamoto, and J. Lopez, A novel method to maintain privacy in mobile agent applications. In Proc. of Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2005), number 3810 in LNCS, pages 247-260. Spring-Verlag, 2005. |
・ I. Agudo, J. Lopez, J. A. Montenegro, E. Okamoto, and E. Dawson, Delegation perspective of practical authorization schemes. In International Network Conference (INC2005), pages 157-164, 2005. |
・ S. Matsuda, A. Inomata, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, Performance evaluation of efficient algorithms for tate pairing. In Proc. of PacRim2005, 2005. |
・ A. Inomata, S. M. M. Rahman, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, A novel mail filtering method against method against phishing. In PacRim2005, 2005. |
・ T. Okamoto, A. Inomata, and E. Okamoto, A proposal of short proxy signature using pairing. In 2005 International Conference on Information Technology Coding and Computing (ITCC 2005)IEEE Computer Society, pages 631-635, 2005. |
・ E. Okamoto and T. Okamoto, Cryptosystems based on elliptic curve pairing. In MDAI2005 (Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence), 2005. |
・ Y. Oyama, A. Inomata, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, Real-time computation with enhanced pipe. In MDAI2005 (Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence), 2005. |
・ T. Okamoto, R. Tso, and E. Okamoto, One-way and two-party authenticated id-based key agreement protocols using pairing. In MDAI2005 (Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence), 2005. |
・ J. Lopez, E. Okamoto, and E. Dawson, Review of practical solutions for the implementation of delegation services. In 5Th International Network Conference, 2005. |
・ K. Peng, E. P. Dawson, J. G. Nieto, E. Okamoto, and J. Lopez, A novel method to maintain privacy in mobile agent applications. In TrustBus2005, 2005. |
・ T. Okamoto, R. Tso, T. Takagi, and E. Okamoto, k-resilient id-based key distribution schemes from pairing – three party case. In Proc. of International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC2005), 2005. |
・ A. Inomata, Y. Oyama, S. Uda, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, Learner’ s privacy enhanced architecture for distance learning. In Proc. of The 4th IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education (WBW2005), 2005. |
・ T. Ito, T. Okamoto, and E. Okamoto, Anonymous traceable disclosure scheme using pairing over elliptic curve. In Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Information Security, pages 48-52, 2004. |
・ L. Wang, Z. Cao, E. Okamoto, Y. Miao, and T. Okamoto. Transformation-free proxy cryptosystems and their applications to electronic commerce. In Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Information Security, pages 92-98, 2004. |
・ T. Okamoto, T. Ito, and E. Okamoto, Fair generation of detective group key, using pairing. In Proc. of 2004 International Symposium on Information Theory and it Applications (ISITA2004), 2004. |
・ T. Okamoto, K. Harada, and E. Okamoto, Id-based key agreement protocols using pairing. In Proc. of 2004 International Symposium on Information Theory and it Applications (ISITA2004), 2004. |
・ S. M. M. Rahman and E. Okamoto, A quantum algorithm for sorting. In ICCIT 2004 (7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology), 2004. |
・ R. Tso, Y. Miao, and E. Okamoto, A new algorithm for searching a consistent set of shares in a threshold scheme with cheaters. In ICISC 2003, number 2971 in LNCS, pages 377-385, 2003. |
・ S. M. M. Rahman, S. M. Masum, M. S. I. Khan, M. L. Rahman, and E. Okamoto, Message digest and integrity checking using hash function. In ICCIT2003 (6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology), 2003. |
・ E. Dawson, J. Lopez, J. A. Montenegro, and E. Okamoto, Baai: Biometric authentication and authorization infrastructure. In Proc. of ITRE2003 (International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education), IEEE, 2003. |
・ T. Okamoto, H. Katsuno, and E. Okamoto. A fast signature scheme based on new on-line computation. In Proc. of ISC’03, LNCS, 2003. |
・ J. M. G. Nieto, J. Reid, E. Dawson, and E. Okamoto. Privacy implications of trusted computing. In Trust and Privacy in Digital Business, DEXA workshop, IEEE, pages 383-388, 2003. |
・ A. Kanaoka and E. Okamoto, Multivariate statistical analysis of network traffic for intrusion detection. In Trust and Privacy in Digital Business, DEXA workshop, IEEE, 2003. |